Thursday, October 21, 2010

Beautiful YOU!

"There could never be a more beautiful you. 
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do.
There could never be a more beautiful you.
Don't buy the lies disguises, and hoops they make you jump through.
You were made with such care; your skin, your body, and your hair are perfect just the way they are.
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do.
There could never be a more beautiful you."

These are a select group of lyrics from the song "More Beautiful You" by Johnny Diaz.
They are my prayer for my birthday girl this week.
She loves to be beautiful. 
We tell her she's beautiful and that God made her with a beautiful heart.
We tell her a person is beautiful when they show kindness.
We tell her all sorts of things about beauty. 
I know she'll be bombarded with all sorts of mixed messages on beauty  as she grows.
I know she's only four but as she grows I pray she knows how beautiful she is to her Creator and that she was made to fill a purpose that only she can fill. 

These lyrics go for you too. 
There could never be a more beautiful YOU!
You were created with a purpose that only YOU can fill.
After years in youth ministry this is my prayer for all the girls I've met along the way.
You are beautiful ! ! ! 
I'm thinking of you all right now!

(Check out all the lyrics here.)
It's a powerful song with powerful lyrics.

1 comment:

Kimberlee Jost said...

While I love that this was for was most certainly for me as well. Thank you.

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