I'm a girl who loves chips and salsa, wine and cheese, the beach and the sun, lists, laughing out loud, reading, playing with my kids, sleeping in, traveling, deep conversations with friends, taking a walk and a night out with man.
My husband and I are church planters in Utah County. We are planting a church community called The GreenHouse. We are called to "be the church" and not just "go to church" so that's exactly what we are seeking to do in our community. I'm a Jesus Lover, He is where I seek to find my identity. Jesus loves me this I know and His love does three things that I can't get out of my mind right now. His love FREES me. It's a freeing love to be loved unconditionally even though I don't deserve it. His Love BINDS me. I'm bound by His love. No one can snatch me out of the palm of His hand. And His Love SENDS me. With His love I am sent out to share with the world that His love is for them too. I'm sent out to care for the poor and lost.
My husband and I met in college. After a year of dreaming about him from a distance, we went on our first date and are still dating 16 years later. During my freshman year, before dating Jason, I can remember saying to my closet friends, "I would NEVER get married before graduation from college . . . (pause) . . . UNLESS of course Jason Quiring asked me to marry him." Well, Jason Quiring asked me to marry him and I kept my word. I married that boy the year before my Sr. year. I'd make that same decision all over again.
I hope you enjoy reading about the things in my head and heart on this blog. I hope you find it refreshing. I hope it makes you you feel normal.