Ian turned SIX this weekend! Time is flying fast! He has a year of school finished and has to use two hands now to show you how old he is! He is such an amazing kid, Jason and I just love analyzing him and figuring out all the ins and outs of Ian! We love you Ian!! You bring so much JOY to our family!! Happy Birthday Sweetie! (I added two songs on the play list right now for you kiddo! "I Want to be Just Like You" is the song Daddy sang at church with his guitar on his first Father's Day and your first Sunday in church! What a memory!) Thanks for all the memories you have given us and the ones yet to come!!
Happy late Birthday Ian.. Your such a cutie! Nicole, I love your music! That was fun going to the gardens, let's do something again soon!
Great picture of the 3 of you! I can't believe he's six already, they grow up so fast!
Happy Birthday to Ian!! Wow, I can't beleive her is already 6!! Time truly does fly by, I loved the pics from when he was born, looking really young there Nic!! Hope ya'll had a great day and birthday party!!
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