Saturday, March 15, 2008

My kids make me laugh and cry all the time by the things they say. I don't want to forget their hilarious, priceless, truthful comments! 
Tatum was sitting on the couch watching Ian play a Wii game.  She then stood up slowly, headed towards the kitchen while saying, "Well . . . . oooon to dinner."  I was in the kitchen and it cracked me up, it sounded just like me finishing one thing and heading onto another thing.  (March 2010)
Ian's growing up so fast and already he'll say things to me that I picture him saying to me when he's in Highschool and he's trying to help his mom out; but he's saying them at age 7.  We were driving on terribly muddy roads and I wasn't sure I'd make it through the mud pit.  I said aloud that I didn't know if we could make it.  As we approached the mud Ian calming said, while peering his head near my seat, "Slow down mom. We'll make it." (March 2010)

I overheard all 3 boys talking in their bedroom one morning as they woke up.  Ian was telling them that he's learning about dinosaurs in school and Carter (the dinosaur boy) said, "Ok Ian, you go to school and then come back and teach us EVERYTHING you learn about dinosaurs." (Feb. 2010)

While eating lunch, out of the blue, Coleson said, "Why can't boys marry boys?" I said well God says he made marriage for a boy and a girl. Then Coleson said, "I don't want to marry." (the thought of liking a girls is sicko at this age, girls are gross) It was quiet a little and Carter then jumped into the conversation and said, "Coleson when we grow up you wanna live with me? We could be twin daddies?" (Melted my heart. Those two have the deepest connection. It was the first time they'd talked out loud about always being together. It will be sad someday as they venture off alone.) (Feb. 2010)
While reading Coleson's bible with him, it was talking about God returning to earth and Coleson said, "He'll return some day and take all of us to heaven. (he paused) But what will happen if we aren't done coloring a picture yet?" (Ha! Feb. 2010)
While reading some of Carter's bible with him, the question was asked what are some bad things you should try to stay away from or some bad things you should stop doing. I gave some suggestions like punching or fighting. He thought for a long time and said, "I should stay away from wild cats." (Feb. 2010)
Coleson was telling Carter something and Carter said, "It was better than your imagination." (Jan. 2010)
I always ask the kids if they are "filling someone's bucket" which means to make someone feel good or be kind. While driving in the car with just Tatum she said, "I don't like you mommy." I then was telling her she needed to say kind things and fill people's buckets. She waited awhile and then said "I love you mommy. That's kind. I'm a good sister. Does that mix your bowl mommy?" (She said "mix your bowl" instead of "fill your bucket". I laughed so hard.) (Jan. 2010)
Tatum came and asked me "to do all of her" handing me her box of play make up and bracelets. I did and then she went straight up to Carter and COleson and said, "Look boys don't I look beautiful?" Coleson quickly replied, "You looked beautiful before Tatum." (Watch out girls, he's gonna be a keeper.) (Jan. 2010)
One of the boys wanted me to brush his teeth instead of Jason. We were ALL in the bathroom. Jason asked why and I then started into a little dance and song with the lyrics "because I'm number 1". Coleson, with a mouth full of spit, turned around and pointed to Jason with a smile. Jason said, "thanks Coleson" thinking Coleson was standing up for his daddy. Then Coleson spit and said proudly to Jason, "YOU ARE NUMBER 2!" HA! We all laughed. (Jan '10)
C&C were doing a rock excavation kit and Tatum came up and said, "What you doing guys?" Coleson said, "It's science and you don't know science Tatum. It's for H and up." Tatum said, "I'm up." The funniest part was that this confusing conversation made sense to all three of them. (Jan. '10)
I was hugging on Carter and asked him if he'd hug me when he's older. He said, "Yes, and I'll even hug you when I'm grown up and I'm a palentologist!" (melt my heart Carter) (Dec. '09)
Out of the blue Coleson told me, "I'm going to call you MOM." I asked why and he said, "some people do that." I pretended to cry and tell him that meant he was getting bigger but that he could call me mom. He laughed and said, "I won't!" (Yes!!! Couple more years of keeping him one of my babies.) (Dec. '09)
Carter and Coleson were playing paper,rock, scissors, and I heard them say, "Paper, Rock, God." After asking about it they said God beat everything. They would both in unison say "paper, rock" and then race to be the first to say God. Carter said it first and then looked at Coleson and said, "you have to pick something." Coleson thought and thought and then said "bomb". Carter then said, "well actually Coleson God can blow up bombs." (Kid theology, isn't it great!) (Dec. 2009)
Coleson, "This is the best Christmas ever." (Dec. 2009)
Tatum, "Is it still Christmas?" (She asked this over and over again the day after Christmas.) ( Dec. 2009)
2 days after getting the wii for xmas Ian said while going to bed, "I still can't believe we got the wii." (Dec. 2009)
Ian and Jas were watching Star Wars and someone said, "Fire at will!" Ian then very seriously said, "Who's Will?" I was in the kitchen and laughed so hard. (Dec. 2009)
Tatum got a new little barbie laptop for xmas and she said to me, "Mommy you CAN NOT touch my pooter." (She was repeating what I say to her all the time.) (Dec. 2009)
Carter said in the morning, "Mommy what's the plan today?" (I have officially created a Glanzer - my maiden name - we always want to know the plan) (Dec. 2009)
We were heading out the door to all go to Subway and Carter said "Can I pick out any drink? I said, "Yes." and he said, "Even the ones that stain?" (Dec. 2009)
In Walmart Tatum said she wanted a drink from the "mountain water". I laughed so she stopped and looked at me and said, "What's it named" It's called a water fountain. (Dec. 09)
Early in December I asked Tatum if she knew whose birthday it was at Christmas. She didn't so I told her Jesus. She said with tons of expression, "It is! I am going to get him a Barbie." (Dec. 2009)
"Mommy your wips (lips) are breaking." (Tatum) (Dec 2009)
While talking about the christmas story Tatum said she would be Mary and she would say, "Baby Jesus it's ok, I'll save you." I thought it was hilarious b/c she's always playing super heros with the boys but this time it should have been the exact opposite. That's the whole point of Jesus, He came to SAVE US. (Dec. 09)
I always say to Tatum, "You crack me up." Then she says, "No, you crack me up." Then I say, "We crack each other up." One day I didn't say my second line and she said, "We's crack we's up." (Nov. 09)
While in the van Tatum was talking on her imaginary cell phone to Carrie. Don't know who that is!! We don't know anyone named Carrie. We then went into Walmart and right as we walked in she saw a baby doll she liked. She put it back and we kept on walking. I turned around to make sure she was coming and she was on her imaginary phone (her hand) saying, "Carrie, it even had a bottle with it. You should have seen it!" I laughed out loud! What a girl! See something you LOVE and you gotta tell someone about it!! Maybe she's heard me call my mom or something. I dont' know. (Nov. 09)
We were asking the kids what they want to be when they grow up. The answer changes all the time. We asked Tatum this for the first time and she said, "A BIG Spider Girl." Then we asked her again and she said, "A Costume Dresser." (Nov. 2009)
C & C were sitting at the window in Grandma's watching Ian play outside all by himself. Coleson said, "Would you ever stay out there all by yourself?" Carter said, "No way." Coleson then said, "Me either, but Ian would." (Nov. 2009)
Can't believe I'm putting this on my blog but it's too funny not to remember it. While driving home in the van Ian said, "What is that smell?" I started laughing and said, "Sorry it was me." THen he started laughing and said, "I'm going to tell all my friends at school that my mom farted in the van and it smelled really bad." I laughed harder and said, "NO! You can't tell people when your mom farts." He said, "Is that a rule?????" I said, "Yes it's a rule." THen he said, "Is that just our family rule? Is it really a rule?" I said, "It's a rule in every family." It was quiet for awhile and then he said again, "Is that really a rule that you can't tell people when a mom farts?" It was so funny. I've got your back out their moms!! (November 2009)
While carving pumpkins we gave Tatum one of the utensils to use on her pumpkin while she waited for help. She looked at Ian and said, "Ian you're not even 3 enough to use this.!" (She's so used to being told she's not old enough for something. Guess she thought she'd turn it around on them.) (Oct. 2009)
In the car Ian and the boys were talking about their "band" they were having. Tatum said, "Who am I gonna be." Ian told her, "You can be the crowd. You have front row seats." (Oct. 09)
My mom was picking something out of Carter's hair and he said with a grin, "If you hurt me you're going to pay for this." (Oct. 09)
Carter said, "God is my favorite and then Zach" (Zach's his cousin) (Oct. 09)
I showed Tatum pictures from her first dance class and she said, "There's my girls." SHe also told me for her birthday party "her girls" were going to be there. I think she refers to girlfriends as "her girls" because she refers to her brothers and "my boys." (Oct. 09)
Tatum is always referring to Carter, Ian, and Coleson as "my boys" or "my buders" (brothers). "Where's my boys?" "My boys are playing with me." "Are my boys are school?" "My boys are going to love these cookies." (Summer/Fall 09)
We've been talking about buying pumpkins and Coleson keeps saying, "We are going to get pumpkins so we can SCARVE them." (Oct. 09)
Carter and Coleson were building legos and were looking for a certain piece. Carter found it and Coleson said, "You have great eye sight Coleson." (Oct. 09)
Carter and Coleson were builidng a race track and Coleson figured something out and Carter said, "Coleson you are a GENIUS!" (Oct. 09)
The twins had asked why people are fat. I was doing my best to explain the long list of reasons and then I reminded them that we never tell someone they are fat because it will hurt their feelings. Coleson said, "I told someone they were fat once but it didn't hurt their feelings because they thought they were fat too." (Oct. 09)
While I was helping Coleson with his bath he said, "Mommy last night I was thinking about not being naughty ever again." I said, "Oh, well what did you decide." He said, "I was thinking aboujt doing all the things you say. There's 55. You do 55 things. Can I do the laundry?" (It was such an outof the blue conversation but so cute.) (Sept. 09)
Before Tatum's first dance class Ian told her, "And the best thing Tatum is you'll meet some new friends." (Sept. 09)
Ian and Coleson were playing football in the yard and Coleson started to cry about something and Ian said, "Do you want to be a baby or a football player?" (Sept. 09)
Tatum, "I'm PRINCESS HERO!" (Sept. 09)
Tatum, "Where's my lisgop?" (lipgloss) (Sept. 09)
Carter always says, "Can I have a wetkin?" (Wet one is what he's asking for. He confuses WETone and napKIN so I guess he just combined them.) (Sept. 09)
Tatum came up to my mom and I and showed us her belly under her shirt and said, "Shhh, I have a baby in dare." (She's been around several pregnant ladies lately.) (June 2009)
While out to eat a man came up to our table to talk and his large belly was eye level with Coleson. I held my breath hoping he wouldn't say anything. He has been noticing and mentioning weight lately. Thankfully he remembered me telling him he could make his comments to me privately if he needed too. The man left and Coleson said, "That man has bawldy fat." I said, "What? What's that?" Coleson said, "You know bawldy fat. I heard it on Grammy's tv." He was saying BODY FAT - saw it on a commercial. (June 2009)
Tatum was sitting with Grammy at the table and heard Carter crying and whinning and heard me ask him what was wrong. She looked at my mom and said, "He's tired." (June 2009)
At Aunt Chrissy's baby shower Carter said, "When's the baby going to open it's gifts?" (The baby isn't born yet.) (June 2009)
Tatum said, "I'm going to the baby bathtub." We couldn't figure out what she was talking about, then it dawned on us . . . she was referring to Aunt Chrissy's baby SHOWER that we were about to go to. Tatum HATES showers so "baby bathtub made more sense. (June 2009)
I was watching a women preaching on my computer and the kids came to sit by me on the couch. They were getting loud and I couldn't hear so I told them to be quiet becasue this lady was talking to me. Carter said, "She's talking to YOU?" I said yes and then Coleson looked at all of us and said, "Well now she's talking to all of us." (HA!) (May 2009)
Tatum said, while doing my hair, "You my best friend ever right?" (You bet girl!) (May 2009)
After going to the bathroom Carter said, "Mommy when I try to wipe my butt (pause) how do you say butt in a nice way?" (I laughed so hard. We've got a million cute names for a bum at our place.) (May 2009)
After visiting a new church the kids were all saying things they liked about their class. I told them we had a good speaker too and Ian said, "Oh, like Daddy?" (May 2009)
Tatum said, "Mommy you walk for me?" (It took me a minue to figure out she was asking me to carry her!) (May 2009)
Carter said, "Mommy do you know EVERYTHING?" I said, "No." Carter said, "You don't?" (May 2009)
At breakfast Ian said to Tatum, "Tatum right when I get home from school I will dance with you okay?" (April 2009)
I was carrying in a hand full of stuff from the van and Coleson said, "Mommy you are the coolest because you can carry the mostest stuff." Thanks Coleson! (April 2009)
Yesterday was Beautiful so I said to all three boys, "Today is beautiful, we have to get outside." At the same time all three boys said, "You mean cool not beautiful!" HA!! Today is COOL not beautiful. Never thought of a day being cool other than meaning a chilly day, which is not what they meant. (April 2009)
Coleson said it Carter , "I can speak hispanics see. Uno, dos. . . . (he kept going). I don't know English though do you?" Right after he said that he then turned to me and said, "Mommy what is English?" (April 2009)
Tatum asked, "Where's Coleson?" I replied, "He's right there." He was standing right next to here. She then said, "Where's the other Coleson?" (March 2009)
I asked the twins if they have ever tooted at preschool. They both said, NO!!! Then their was a pause and then Carter said, "Well, maybe!" Then Coleson said, "It's a rule, no tooting, not really but it is a rule you have to keep your clothes on but you can pee." (Preschool sounds like a rough place to be if you're a boy! HA!) (Feb. 2009)
Today at breakfast Tatum pointed to the twins and said in her tough girl voice, "I boss YOU!" She hears them always saying they are the boss of this toy or that toy and she thought she'd let them know she was the boss of them. It may be true! (December 2008)
Ian asked if Tatum was up from her nap. I said no and asked him why? He said, "I wanted to play with her." So sweet! (December 2008)
Tatum brought me a christmas tree candle that I have out and said, "Mommy, happy day." She thinks it's for a birthday. (December 2008)
Coleson said, "Mommy I need the snapper." (He was referring to the stapler.) (December 2008)
The twins and I were talking about marriage, just a normal everyday conversation - ha!, and I Coleson said he didn't want to get married. I told him he didn't have to get married and he should only get married if he grows up and meets a really amazing girl. Carten then said, "Yah, like you mommy." That's right Carter! (December 2008)
Conversation between Carter and myself: Carter "Cupid means stupid." Me: "No it doesn't." Carter: "It really does." Me: "Acutally it really doesn't mean that." Carter: "It's spanish." (December 2008)
I told the kids I was sad that we lived so far from family becasue we were missing Avery's (my neice) first birthday. Coleson said, "It's a good thing we live so far away because of floods and tornados." (December 2008)
I asked the twins what gifts the three kings brought baby Jesus and Coleson said, "Gold, myrh, and a map!" I guess he figured gold and a map go together! (December 2008)
Coleson brought a large tootisie roll to me and said very dramatically, "This is NOT candy. This is NOT candy." He obviously wanted to eat it and I had already said no more candy today. I siad, "Yes it is candy" and he siad with a huge smile, "But can I have it?" (November 2008)
Carter said while looking in his halloween bucket he said, "My candy is running out!" (November 2008)
Carter said, "When is that (pointing to the tile in the bathroom floor) going to grow into that (pointing to the carpet in the bedroom)?" (October 2008)
Carter told Coleson today, "Coleson Ian told me he's the boss of me and I'm the boss of you." (October 2008)
Conversation between Carter and Coleson in the van. Carter: "There's a MOSQUITO!!" Coleson: "What does it do?" Carter: "Suck" Coleson: "Does it suck people up?" Carter: "No." (October 2008)
While wrapping Tatum's b-day presents with princess wrapping paper Coleson asked, "Is Sleeping Beauty in heaven?" I asked why and he said, "Cause look." He pointed to the picture of sleeping beauty and there was a beautiful castle in the picture. Guess that's his idea of heaven - a clean large shinning castle . . . mine too! (October 2008)
Ian said, "The opposite of violence is hearts and stuff." (October 2008)
Before Tatum's Cupcakes and Dancing birthday party I told the boys which neighbor girls were coming and Ian said, "Tatum and I are pretty good dance partners." Then Coleson said, "I call Sophie!" (wanted to make that clear before Carter said it I guess.) Then later while dancing Coleson told Tatum, "I'll always be your dance partner." (I know, I wanted to wipe a tear from my eyes too!!) (October 2008)
C & C were arguing over who ordered the root beer and who ordered the sprite at McDonald's. Carter said, "Coleson I heard myself say I want root beer." (October 2008)
On our way to an outdoor festival, without Jason, I asked the boys what the most important rule was. Carter said, "To not be lost!" (#1 rule Stay with me! #2 Obey #3 Be kind) (October 2008)
The twins weren't getting along and one twin told the other one he couldn't come to his birthday party. Ian, wasn't apart of the conversation, but heard that and very nicely said, "Well, actually when it's his birthday party it's your birthday party too so??" The twins just looked at him. I was near by in the kitchen trying not to laugh out loud. (October 2008)
I told the boys Tatum's birthdays was in 5 days and Ian said, "I don't want her to grow up!" My thoughts exactly Ian! (October 2008)
The boys were all coloring rocks with crayons yesterday and I heard Ian tell the twins, "Guys the next time we have a BBQ in our backyard we can sell these to people." (October 2008)
I heard Carter yell from the bathroom, "Mommy the toliet is going to unflood!" This made a normally frustrating thing funny to me!! I came in the bathroom chuckling and he said very seriously, "It's not funny it really is!" (Oct. 2008)
Carter and Coleson were looking through a Christmas toy catalog that came in the mail. Coleson was pointing at toys and saying "I don't have that, want it. I don't have that, want it. I don't have that, want it. I don't have that, want it." I seriously think he said it twenty times. I told Jason that was the best quote for a message on greed. Wasn't he just saying out loud what we say when we look through a catalog? HA!! (September 2008)
I looked over to see Carter with Tatum in what appeared to be a head lock and then she fell to the ground. I said, "That's too rough" His reply was, "We're just dancing together!" Tatum was laughing so I guess it was some new dance moves. (September 2008)
I came out of my room dressed in a black baseball cap, shorts, t-shirt, adn the black converse shoes the boys gave me and Coleson stopped, looked at me and said, "You look so pretty." I wish I could capture the voice and tone he had, it was so sweet. (September 2008)
Carter had a stomachache today and after school he told Ian "I throwed up today, NEW throw up." I was laughing inside and asked him what NEW throw up was? He said, "New throw up is when you throw up in the toliet and not in a bucket." (September 2008)
Coleson styled his hair with water and Ian came in and dramatically said, "That looks fandabulous, like nothing ever made before!" He sounds just like me making up words and having dramatic comments for things! (August 2008)
On the way home from preschool on the first day Carter said, "We sang songs, just regular songs, not God songs." Just weeks before this Coleson asked me one night, "Are all songs God songs?" (August 2008)
On the third day after school I asked Ian to tell me one thing he did at school and his response was "Just one??" I made me so excited to know he had lots of things to tell me about. I was going to be happy with one but he went on and on! (August 2008)
On the way home from C & C's birthday party Coleson said to his friend Sophie, in a deep voice with lots of expression, "Sophie, I love your gift, it was awesome!" then he switched to a normal voice and said, "what did you give me again?". (August 2008)
Carter came out of the bathroom with his hair all styled with water and he said, "I want my hair to be fixed cool so I can be stronger." I guess strong people have cool hair. (August 2008)
A friend at church gave the twins some candy and Coleson said, "First of all, this is good." The rest of the day he kept saying "first of all" before he'd start talking. I have no idea where he's heard that, it was funny. (August 2008)
One of the twins was whining and Ian said, "Don't act like that." He sounded just like me. It was so funny, he was acting like an adult. (August 2008)
Today in the car Ian said the name "Barrack O' Bama" which cracked me up becuase he had to have heard it on the radio or tv or something because we don't talk politics around here much. I then started telling the boys about the election coming up and Ian said, "I'm voting for Gramps!" (August 2008) With this years choices I may vote with Ian too!

Coleson keeps saying "I wish I was Ian." We keep telling him we are glad he's Coleson but it's cute because he thinks Ian is so cool. (August 2008)

Coleson was telling my mom and I something and he said, "You gotta believe this!" (August 2008)

While driving to McDonald's Carter asked, "Are we going in?" I replied, "no." Then Carter asked, "Are we going out?" (June 2008)


Carter said Tatum and I were princesess and Ian corrected him and said mommy was the queen and Tatum was the princess. Carter's reply was, "Oh, mommy is the bad one." (Aren't all queens bad in kids movies?? Great, I'm the bad one!) (June 2008) 


Coleson said his "down" hurt. I was confused and asked what his "down" was. It was his ankle. Makes sense doesn't it? It's down on your leg. Reminds me of how Ian used to call a trampoline a jumpoline. That seemed like a better name for it anyways. (June 2008)


Coleson said, "Ian this is the awesomest birthday party!" (June 2008)

Carter siad, "My feelings hurt." He was talking about his throat, this is the third time he's called it his feelings, have no idea why? (June 2008)

At dinner Coleson said, "More stink peas please." (snap peas) (May 2008)


I showed Ian our Hawaii pictures and he asked, "Did you get a picture of the gift shop?" (May 2008)


Today Ian asked Tatum, "Can I dance with you?" They have such a great relationship!! (May 2008)


While on the phone, I let the twins take food downstairs which we don't do anymore so after I got off I went down stairs and said, "Oh no, we broke a rule." They both responded by saying, "Where? Can I see it?" (Spring 2008)

The twins were playing and I heard them say, "I'll give you this on brother's day!" Later they told me today was Brother's Day!! (May 2008)

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