Monday, August 12, 2013

Rhythm . . . Home . . . and Pictures

The world is full of them.
It seems to be a thing God used when creating so much of His world.
I am craving rhythm right now.
School starts in 8 days for us.
I always hate saying goodbye to summer but it's time for rhythms and patterns.
It's time for momma to wake up and kiss my babies as they head off to school.
It's time to get those "I'm the new kid first day jitters" over with. (For ALL of us - me included)
It's time for them to spend hours apart from one another each day so they can come home and love one another. That will happen right?
It's time.
Our summer had so many transitions.
It's been a summer to remember for sure - not like our "normal" summers but who even knows what "normal" is?
I'm pretty sure this Quiring family doesn't know the world normal. Lol.

We have been in Utah now for just a little over 3 weeks.
That is insane because we have packed so much into these three weeks that my head would spin if I started listed it all for you.
In so many ways my heart feels at HOME.
Home in a place where my heart has held so much passion.
Home in a place where God just would not let us let go of the desires He put in us.
Home in a place where God has already shown His faithfulness from the moment our Uhaul drove into this state.
Home in a place where I see mountains that scream "I am God and NOTHING is to hard for me. I created these mountains girl. I can do anything. Just come along and watch me. You just be available."
But all the while feeling at home here, I miss HOME.
The tears flow as I typed that last sentence.
We went to see the new Planes movie last night and it starts out with fields and field of CORN.
Tall corn, just like the corn is looking in Nebraska right now.
My favorite season of the corn.
Then a scene takes place in Lincoln, Nebraska.
And then it happened.
My heart ached.
I missed it.
Thanks Pixar for digging deep in me and making me sit in a dark theatre missing home.
So it is ..... a season where I feel at HOME and miss HOME all at once.

Random pictures of friends and good memories made in Nebraska this summer . . . . I promise pictures of our three weeks in Utah coming soon!



Lisa said...

Reading this post brought tears to my eyes. I know how hard goodbyes are and at the same time how exciting the future is. Such a mixture of emotions all at once. Praying for you guys!

angieb said...

Oh, man! I totally miss hearing that laugh of yours! Great pics! Your family is missed by so many, but hope things are going well for you there.

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