Monday, October 8, 2012

Captured it.

This past weekend the kids and I went to my parent's house.
We went to meet our newest nephew!
He's adorable!!

It happened to be our college's Homecoming so we got in on some of the Homecoming fun.
Here's a picture of all the kids with my mom and dad.
(picture taken by Vance Frick of Tabor College)

Look closely.
Can you see all the personality?
Just look at those faces - each one seems to be saying something.
This is a fun bunch.
Mr. President has bunny ears.
My favorite faces are Gramps and Grammys (or Gigi - she has two names).
They are so happy - you can see the JOY on their faces.
I love that this picture captured that.
They love these kids.
They have a bond with them that runs deep.
I'm so thankful for them and the time they have invested in really knowing my kids.
I love you mom and dad.


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