Thursday, June 7, 2012

Garage Sale for Orphans

Myself and a couple girlfriends are having a garage sale.
It's the town wide garage sale day.
We decided to have a garage sale with a purpose.
Here's where Garage Sale for Orphans comes in.
All proceeds go to Garage Sale 4 Orphans.

I love their concept ... here it is in their own words. (


the concept is pretty simple.  SELL. GIVE. HELP. 

we believe that everyone wants to be generous, but many just don't always have the financial ability to do so.  GS4O is a great way for people who can't just write a check, to serve others. 

self-storage is a $22 billion industry.
for years, many of us have been storing our excess things in storage facilities and in our attics and closets.  our stuff has taken over our garages. many of us end up moving the same boxes from house to house and never even open them.

we believe our excess stuff can mean life for another, and can contribute to ending cycles of extreme poverty for many.


We are joining with Jen Hatmaker (author and speaker of "7 - An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess")

She has created a collaborative partnership with Garagesale4orphans to build anti-trafficking homes in Ferrier, Haiti.  Read more about this project here.

They are on their 7th home!

All proceeds of our garage sale will go to this project.

So if you live in the area check us out. 

We have many area friends donating their items as well so their will be some great finds. 
Lots of kids clothes.
If you don't find something you need you can always purchase a nice cold cup of Lemonade from our young ones. (Lemonade Stand times may vary; they might not open till Saturday morning cartoons are over. :)) 

We are listed on the town Garage Sale Map -- we are #7. You can download info. on all the garage sales here.

Come SHOP AND GIVE all at the same time.


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