Friday, April 20, 2012

Today & Random Things


Tatum went to a friends to play for the afternoon. 
A friend that is a year older so she's usually in school so they don't get to play.
Kids had no school so they got to play.
She came home happy.
We sat over a bowl of chips and salsa (yes we have the same taste) talking.
This is some of our conversation:

Me:  You know next year you will get to play with her everyday at recess when you are in kindergarten.

Tatum: Yeah and now I know the rules. You can't take pokemon cards to school (she learned this from her brothers). So if there is a new kid in town at school and he likes pokemon I'll tell him.

Me: Hmm.  I think you got bigger today while you were gone. How do you think that happened?

Tatum: We ran a lot. If you exercise a lot you get bigger.

Me in my head: Maybe I should quit exercising. :)) 

(picture taken on Easter Sunday after lunch in the park and lots of running around - love it) 

The twins are playing soccer.
They are our first soccer players and they sort of like that fact.
It's been so fun to watch them really enjoy a game.
I could really enjoy this sport for years to come.

Today I taught this boy who won't let me take pictures of him how to make rice krispie treats.
He did good.

And another pic of my niece Jada because she's so cute.

It's Friday night but it feels like a Saturday night, I'm not sure I'll even make dinner tonight.
No one will be hungry b/c I've been saying yes to rice krispie treats for the past 15 minutes and it's well after 6:00. 
Oh well.
Happy Weekend.


1 comment:

Lynette said...

Rice Krispies = Cereal = Meal = Supper Covered! Score one for you! Love you!

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