Sunday, January 9, 2011

Little Sporadic

I’ve been a little sporadic in my blogging lately. 

There's been several things that have kept me away.

One . . . the holidays. They gave me lots of material to blog about but totally changed my schedule. I have one more set of Xmas celebration pics to share with you.  That will come soon.

Two . . . Jason has had a few weeks off before starting up his next semester of seminary classes.  I'm soaking up my time with him - so I've closed my computer more often in the evenings. Monday starts the next semester and I'm NOT looking forward to it.  When he finished this last semester we were so excited to know he was HALF WAY DONE ! ! ! Now it just feels like a huge weight again. I don't even have to do all the work so I can't imagine how he feels. 

Three . . . The thing that has probably been the cause of my sporadic blogging most of all is the Women's Retreat that I posted about awhile back. I'm working with an awesome team of girls to plan this retreat and THIS IS THE MONTH!! It's the last weekend in January and we are so pumped. Our numbers almost doubled from what we had anticipated. I've been covered with details this week.  
It's gonna be awesome!!

You will notice (very soon) a little BLOG MAKEOVER with Nic's Days!  Do you remember back in December when I encouraged you all to give water and put your name in a variety of giveaways?
Well, I donated and signed up for a couple giveaways and then didn't think about it again. Over the holidays I opened my email only to see that I was the WINNER of over $500 worth of stuff. WOW! I was shocked! I've been getting fun little packages in the mail ever since from a variety of sites.  So fun! The biggest item on the list of things I won was a BLOG Makeover from BLESSED LITTLE NEST! That will be up soon - I'm so excited - she did an awesome job.  The biggest change will be my TITLE!  I've been wanting to change my title for over a year.  IT's a big decision - almost as big as picking your child's name. (Kiddin!)  I'm leaving the address the same for now but the title will be different.  Hope you like it. If you don't please don't tell me. Just act like you do when your friend calls to tell you they had their baby and they named it some weird strange name.  You act like it's the best name ever right? HA !

One more thing I must shout from the rooftops is that we now have SOFT water!!  The day we got it I wanted to post this . . . 
Na Na Na Na 
Na Na Na Na
Hey Hey Hey GOODBYE!
So long hard water that ruins all my dishes and cakes onto my skin! Today at lunch I told the kids when they were done eating they could throw their entire plastic plate in the trash. They thought that was so cool !  Thanks Target for my new plates.

Thanks for all your comments and emails from my "I Said I Would Tell You" post.  I'm glad it was an encouragement to many of you! 

+ Nic


Kimberlee Jost said...

I can't wait to see the blog makeover!

Lisa said...

Yay for winning such an awesome prize and YAY for soft water!!

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