Thursday, September 16, 2010


Kids wanted to grow a watermelon.
So we did.
Planted it.
Watered it.
Took a picture of the end product.

Sometimes, in life,  we have to step back so we can see the whole picture and see the situation for what it really is.
Same goes for this situation.

Yes, our watermelon is the size of a golf ball. 
It didn't quite work out like we thought it would.
Oh well, we tried.

You can tell we aren't experienced gardeners.
This was obviously just a fun thing to try.
We won't be taking any "for sale" items to a farmer's market in the near future.

I think the tomato plants are about to grow into our back door.
The tomatoes are the only things we are really enjoying.
We planted green peppers . . . got two of them before the tomato plants grew over them.
We left a ton of space for watermelon vines.
Guess they should have been out in the field where the sun is.

Live and learn . . .
And just laugh along the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved the watermelon story and picture!!! I was thinking what a great family project... plant, water,watch it grow..enjoy eating it as a family!!! I guess there wasn't enough to go around, huh? Cindy

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