Monday, September 13, 2010

Before I say goodbye.

It's September.
Has been for awhile now.
Today I took my first pictures that really resemble Fall to me.
I'd show them but I still have a few memories of summer I've been wanting to post.
Technically the first day of Fall is September 22 this year so it's still summer.
This was the first summer I hung up our "summer list".

I was hesitant because I thought the kids would think we were going to do all these things in the first week.
It was to my advantage that I only have one child reader in the house.
We didn't complete the entire list but that's ok.
Other items we did over and over again.
Any way you look at it was a great summer break.
Some of our last events of the summer were camping, going to the zoo, hanging with cousins, and putting up sweet corn.
I have one more post tomorrow about summer than I will officially say adios to our summer break!

It was a scorching hot day at the zoo but we were troopers and spent SEVEN hours there! 
We got to be with our awesome cousin Austin and Aunt Lynette, who we don't see nearly enough and Grandpa and Grandma, so though it was hot and long, we were in great company.
We were one tired crew by the end of that day.

They had a butterfly exhibit which was perfect for Miss Tots.

We also camped out nearby.
It wasn't the same as Utah camping (man we all miss that) but I slept great knowing there wasn't a bear that could be lurking about.  It was the first time I ever saw Ian use the BB gun (usually it's just a Dad and Ian thing). I'm not a gun girl so it was new for me. Ian even made a scope for it before we went. A breakfast of bacon and eggs (made in the same pan as the bacon) were a must.  

Jas had to demonstrate how he can put an entire hotdog in his mouth. He got a great response from all four kids.  It reminded me of our college days.

This was year two of getting to help with sweet corn.  It's work but it's also a lot of laughing and chatting with family and it always ends with some corn on the cob - who can resist?! Ian helped this year more than he ever had.  We'll enjoy the corn all year long.

1 comment:

Randy Wertenberger said...

I think I have a picture of Jason with an entire hot dog in his mouth! It was at Lisa'a parents' house and we were playing a game at the table. Do you remember that??!!

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