10 Answers
I read them on this blog.
(Side note about that blog . . . I love that this mom of four decided to get caught up with all her laundry by going to a laundry mat and spending $20. Hilarious and Genius!)
Now I'm putting these questions and answers on my blog.
Then it's your turn to answer them on your blog.
When do you feel happiest?
So many things make me happy. Laughter makes me happy. Massages make me happy. Dates make me happy. Singing off key makes me happy (as long as no one other than my kids and man can hear me). Family adventures as a tribe of 6 make me happy. Target makes me happy. Discovering and learning more about each of my kids makes me oh so happy. Completed laundry - washed, dryed, folded, AND put away MAKES ME HAPPY.
How do you take care of yourself?
Jazzercise, vitamins, time with God and giving myself permission to do some things without my children; even if it's something mundane that just has to be done like a dr. visit.
What do you do for fun?
Scrapbook (digitally/traditionally), shop, read, chat with a good friend, pretend to be a photographer, sing and dance with my kiddos
Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
Both. The quick answer is externally. I am an extrovert and love people and relationships; I am fueled by people BUT I NEED time by myself. I crave it. If I didn't have time by myself I don't think I'd be as extroverted.
What is something that intimidates you?
The future.
What is something you are proud of?
I'm proud of my kids and my marriage. Neither are any where near perfect but I'm proud that we have a strong love for one another and genuinely enjoy time together.
Finish this sentence. I never ___________.
I never thought I'd look out my window and see a tractor!
Favorite Vacation Spot.
Typically I'd say BEACH!
That is still true but really ANY vacation with my family of 6, where we can be on our pace of life and schedule, is wonderful!!!
I'm ready for another beach vacation alone with my man too -that would rank at the top!
Today is a (rate from 1-10).
Hmmmm. . . . right now it's a 7.
That answer can change quickly.
Sometimes 15 minutes can feel like it defined the day.
Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know __________.
If you really knew me you'd know I WANTED a house full of boys and one girl AND I WANTED them close together!!! Dreamed of that as long as I can remember ! Yes, I asked for this crazy life!!!
Your turn!
Leave a comment if you answer these on your blog.
I'd love to read them.

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