Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I've been a little quiet in the blogging world.
We've had some LONG weeks here lately.
I've been tired.
I've been a little down.
Lots going on in my head and heart but why bring you all down with me right?

We just finished our FIRST CORN HARVEST on Monday.
You may be laughing that I said "we".
What did I do?
No I did not drive a tractor.
No I did not haul corn in a semi.
Do you need me to list how I contributed?
If you are a mom I'm sure you can fill in the list for me.
If you need help let me just say it's comparable to a long road trip with a van full of kids; which seat do you think is the most "fun"???
You don't ever hear the driver say, "You can drive, I REALLY want to sit in the passenger seat, it looks so relaxing!" HA!
Did I mention I've been tired?

Harvest started the end of September.
Weather made it drag out a little longer this year.
We knew we would be starting out with a bang this Fall . . . HARVEST AND SEMINARY!!
Could we have added anything else to our plate??
Actually I'd say I did pretty well with the season (minus the last two weeks).
I've never claimed to be superwoman!
In the mist of the long days their were great moments too.
All four kids really enjoyed individual time with daddy in the semi or in the grain cart.
Sending them out to ride with Jason was a highlight for me; not for the obvious reasons, but because I knew they were getting great one on one time with daddy.
Great conversations were always had.
Their voice is heard.
Our kids adore him!!
I do too!
Here's some pics of some of those great moments!



Lisa said...

Yeah!!!! You did it! I hope you can have some good family time together in the next few weeks. I was laughing about riding in the passenger seat. So true! My neck usually has a kink in it from being turned around so much. Enjoy having Jason around again!

meg duerksen said...

i love the picture with the truck in the back ground and the kiddo going towards it...the clouds and everything! so pretty.
so rural.

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