Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Sad beyond words.
Monday night a mother of three was killed in a car accident not far from here.
I did not know her but it's obvious she was known in this community by SOO many.
Loved by so many.
All three kids were with her in the car, they are all ok physically but how can they be ok without their mommy?
It was a head on collision.
I did not know her but she has consumed a lot of my thoughts.
I keep thinking of her.
Thinking of her husband.
Thinking of her children.
Thinking of her family.
Thinking of her friends.
Thinking of death.
Thinking of heaven.
Thinking of finality!
Thinking of LIFE!
Thinking of how I spend my moments.
Thinking of HOPE!

I'm gonna be blunt!!!
Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?
I'm not talking about religion.
I'm talking about a relationship.
Are you on a journey with Jesus Christ?
Are you walking this life with Him?
The only way to have HOPE
The only way to have an answer to what's next?
Is a personal relationship with Christ.
Do you KNOW Him as the one who died for YOUR sins?
Do you KNOW Him as the son of God?
Do you KNOW Him as God himself?
I pray you do.
If you don't, ask someone, ask me.
It's worth looking into.
Thankfully this sweet mom, Renae, knew Christ and she's with Him now!!
Pray for her husband!
Pray for her children!
Pray for her friends!

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