Sunday, May 31, 2009

Stare Down

This past week I had a stare down with the Ice Cream Truck Driver. It was absolutely hilarious
. . . Carter, Coleson, Tatum and I were all out front. The kids were in the pool and I was on the porch. We were the ONLY people out that day. All of a sudden we hear the sounds of the ice cream truck coming for the first time this season. Carter took off running and then I told them we weren't getting ice cream so he headed back to the pool. When the truck came to the end of our cauldasac it stopped and sat there for at least 5 minutes. I kid you not. The music kept playing and she kept looking at me as if waiting for me to cave and come running to her truck. Then she got up and stood at the counter where kids come to order and pay. Again, she kept looking at me. I couldn't believe it . . . did she think I was going to say, "Oh okay kids let's go spend $50 on ice cream so the lady can go on her way."

If my brothers would have been here I would have told them to relive our childhood and when she started to drive away they could have jumped on the back of the truck to get a ride down the street. We loved the ice cream man as kids but let's just say the neighborhood kids weren't the friendlies to that man . . . at least one boy would always see how far down the street he could go on the back of the truck before the driver would stop and yell for him to get off. Funny times.

By the way . . . I won the stare down and the truck kept on going!! We then got out our own Popsicles!!


Unknown said...

You missed a chance for a really good stare down. You could have gone in the house making the lady think you were getting money. then brought out popsicles and ate them in front of her. That would have been stare down plus.

Monica said...

That is too funny! I can just picture it!!

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