Tuesday, November 25, 2008


It's been a long day . . . I just cleared off the bowls of cereal so we could have dinner!! Does that give you a good description of my day?

I went to work at 7:30 ( I work part time at church with infant/preschool stuff - sometimes at church and sometimes from home),
boys to school and preschool,
Tatum joined me at work,
picked twins up from preschool,
back to work with McDonald's happy meals in tow,
went home put Tatum down for nap,
twins played while I kept working,
Ian came home,
I had to do come cutting and coloring for work so we all cut and colored together,
we made up a song about our living room/kitchen looking like a tornado came through here,
it's always good to laugh in the mist of a long day,
started dinner,
picked up 50% of our mess,
and now we are just waiting for the timer to ding so we can eat!
Days not over yet, plan to clean this place up so we can enjoy our next two days without worrying about a messy house.
High school kids come over tomorrow night and two college kids are coming over for Thanksgiving Day!

It's a good thing I'm in the process of focusing on things I'm thankful for because I'd rather list things I'm annoyed with today! So here's the thankful list . . .

1. I'm thankful for laughter! It's what saves me on most days! I love to be silly and crazy with my kids. We make up dumb songs for everything. Jason tells them not to laugh because it eggs me on!

2. I'm thankful for tomorrows! Isn't it great we get to start fresh every morning?

3. I'm thankful for all night grocery stores. I think I'll be heading there tonight.

4. I'm thankful for a place to lay my head each night. Really, we are so fortunate for that!

5. I'm thankful that my timer is DINGING!! (it really is!)

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