Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I recently wrote something for a friend's friend's husband (got that?) . This guys wife is a writer and he is collecting letters from a variety of moms reflecting on motherhood. He's going to put them all in a book to give to his wife for Christmas! Anyways, this is one of the things I wrote for him. (They have all boys so I thought they may be able to relate to this!) My boys bring me so much joy and laughter! (oh yeah, and exhaustion too!) (I posted some older pics of the boys all together!)

Dear Mother,

What a mother of boys knows that other moms are unaware of . . .

- A tree in your back yard is not for decoration, it’s a great place to pee!
- Coffee tables are only in the way of wrestling and have no reason being in the
middle of the room.
- Markers are also used to create tattoos on one another.
- Any amount of water outside is there for you to splash or jump in, regardless of
what you are wearing.
- Punching someone can be a way of saying hello.
- A gun can be made out of sticks, play doh, legos . . really anything can be turned
into a gun.
- All things should be tasted, just so you know if it’s gross.
- Your neighbor's groomed flower bed is a great place to pick nice flowers for your
- Clothes are optional throughout the day . . . underwear really are the best play
- Underwear should be worn backwards so you can see the pictures on it.
- Dinosaurs are the coolest animal EVER!
- Laughter always follows bodily functions!
- If you get 50% of your pee in the target area that’s great!
- Couches make great trampolines when mom isn't looking!

A Mother of 3 boys (6, 4, 4 ) and one girl (2) (whew!)


jasonq said...

As the dad of the boys mentioned...I vouch that she's telling the truth! It's funny how stuff that get's on your nerves at the moment (licking the rusty ball-hitch on my truck / running up to people & punching them / licking the banister on escalators / drawing on each other / seeing how far you can jump from the automan (sp?) to the couch / peeing on the floor / etc) can seem so funny when your wife writes about them! We have some hilarious kids...

Heidi said...

I loved the Halloween pic. The boys were Batman & Superman last year, and I'm hoping they'll fit into their costumes again this year!

As for boys- they are full of energy and never stop! I'm amazed at the things they come up with. I love your blog!!

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