Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New specs?? Don't they look good?

Okay girls, how many of you are on face book?? Jas just got an account and last night I was just blown away at how many connections I'd have if I got an account. We stayed up super late typing in names of old high school and college friends. We both even entered in an "ex" but neither of them came up. We had a good laugh about emailing them asking them if we could just be "facebook friends"? Funny!! I thought starting a blog was a huge step for me but I think I'll venture out to the face book world soon too! I don't want Jas to have more "friends" than I do!! HA!!

Speaking of Jason, he got some new specs and looks GOOD! I snapped a few photos of him to post. He didn't know I was going to post them but it was my intentions all along!!


jasonq said...

You're right - he DOES look good! (OK - somebody had to write it, right?) You are a conniving woman. But I still love you.

Jenny said...

Lookin' really hot there and so trendy Jas!!

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