Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Summary of Thanksgiving Day in 6 words.


LOVE these guys -- THANKFUL to spend time with them!
(One person in this picture is participating in No Shave November -- November is almost over right? Somehow it turns into Decebeard.)

For the first time we combined our 8 kiddos -- they hit it off great!
They had their own celebration going at their end of the table.

Kids set the table and made the place cards -- lined it with all my left over pumpkins from preschool.

Thank you pinterest for a another great idea --- write something you are thankful for, roll it up in a crescent roll, bake them and then pass them out - read your paper and guess who wrote it.
It was like a fortune cookie.
Loved doing this - might become a yearly idea.
We had such awesome home made rolls I don't think anyone actually ate their crescent roll. 

My moms sweet potato recipe -- Southern Style 

Thanksgiving was a grand time that filled our stomaches and our hearts! 


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