First day of our Summer Weeks.
I've already made french toast for the kids.
Something I fear I'll have to break to them that I can't do every morning.
Tatum has already asked if the boys were going to school today.
She had some other plans in mind that didn't involve them. HA.
I've got my summer game plan about ready to launch.
You know the one that will help me not lose my mind with fighting, boredom, too much television, messes galore, etc.?
I'll share that in another post.
We'll see if the participants like the game plan or not - it's always a toss up.
I have high hopes for summer.
I love this time of year.
I love having my kids home.
I love the different morning pace.
It just takes a little adjusting for everyone.
The last several weeks we had three t-ballers and a coach in the house.
Most of the team was made up of Quiring Cousins!! Fun.
Made Grandma's schedule a little easier too.
This was Tatum's first year.
Getting ready for her first game she asked me twice, "Do you think I should wear a necklace?"
Cracked me up . . . the girl just wanted to know what the appropriate dress attire was for this sort of event.
She's happy to play in the dirt and get muddy but she just might be doing it in a skirt or with a necklace on.
She did do some playing in the dirt this season.
The year was short but sweet.
Carter and Coleson had fun but didn't like that you couldn't get people out etc.
They'll enjoy baseball ten times more next year.
The age span here is so huge that we did t-ball again with them but next summer they'll play baseball.
Fun season.
Now this week we are on to baseball games for Ian.

1 comment:
You've got some serious skillz taking pictures through fences like that. Let me've got a few seasons under your belt, don't you?
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