Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I'm as amateur as they come.
It's just a hobby.
Took a class in high school and another in college.
Forgot everything I learned.
I just have a point and shoot camera.
One day I'll graduate up to a different camera.
It's one of those hobbies I can do easily in this stage of life.
It can involve my kids.
It feeds part of my creative side.

I've always loved taking pictures
I can still remember getting my first Polaroid camera for a birthday gift as a young girl.

For many years my goal was to document our life, our moments, our days so we could look back.
While doing that, my fear was I would go through life just seeing my kids grow up through a lens.
I didn't want to miss being in the moment because I was messing with my camera.
There are times I put my camera down now for those reasons
In the last several years taking pictures has become much more of a hobby and has sparked the creative side in me instead of just being a task of documenting our life.
Taking pictures helps me see things I would have otherwise missed.
It makes me see little, simple things.
It gives me a different perspective on life, on the moment.
It helps me live in the moment and appreciate the moment.
Even when I don't have my camera with me now, I see those little things.
Those smirks.
The wind blowing the trees or grass.
Those big feet running down the basketball court.
The slimy frog in their hand full of dirt.
The old door that really has hidden beauty.
My brain is a camera that is constantly clicking as I savor each piece of life.

When I take snap shots of our events or days of life and then look back at the picture I can FEEL the things I felt at that moment.
Depending on the intensity of the moment or event, sometimes the picture FLOODS me with memories.
Pictures trigger something for me.

I just signed up for my first photography workshop.
It's called
PICTURE SUMMER- 30 days of Splashy Seasonal Celebration.
It's from this site.
You get a photo tip and prompt in your email box each day in July.
I'm super excited.
Not sure what to expect.
I'm going to post my 30 pictures in the PICTURE SUMMER tab up top.
I'll add them as I go.

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