He had no idea I had that idea on my "monthly menu" to do sometime this month - so I was ready with hotdogs, beans, and marsh mellows!
Those things will be in our fridge from now till next winter.
Ready for any campy night outside.

Kids were THRILLED!
Our fire pit didn't make the move, had to many cracks already, so we (Jason) made our own pit - camping style.
To make it even more of an "all involved" event we used the night as a way to collect all the sticks from the yard from all our wind storms.
Kids had fun collecting them on their sleds and hauling them over.
Carter was all about helping Daddy snap branches, cut branches, and light the fire.
Boys just like fire.
Moms are just scared of this fact.
Their feet are NOT in the fire in this picture.
This is still pre building stage.


It was a beautiful night . . . STILL WEATHER . . . I'm learning that that is something to grab hold of around here when a STILL day comes.
The night did make me miss our friends in Utah.
Ironically that night a good UT friend texted us while we were getting started.
Our neighborhood was great at having smores nights with all the kids and families.
Good memories!
This was the first of many campfires for the season!

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