Wednesday, February 11, 2009


For fun today my mom and I took the three younger ones to a new grocery store that had little grocery carts for the kids. I see them every time I shop but I'm always doing "big" grocery shopping and that is a MOM ONLY trip!! We just needed a hand full of things today and thought it would be fun! It was HILARIOUS watching the twins. They were so into "shopping". It was like one big scavenger hunt. On the first aisle I told them to head straight to the milk at the end. Well, they are four year old boys so without a thought it became like a nascar race for milk!! I think Carter even crashed into the glass cabinet. People looked, grinned, we laughed, smiled at the people, then gave the driving cart instructions to the drivers!!! I only got my heels clipped 3 times, not bad right?

They each picked out a flower arrangement for their preschool teacher. Tomorrow is their last day of preschool (sniff! sniff! . . . we are making budget cuts and decided this could be one of them . . . we practically HAVE a preschool at our house, ha!!)! They were adamant about EACH giving her a flower, not one to share!

FUNNY SHOPPERS!! They really did have fun and they were so into it!!


MKTaylor said...

Nic, Hello! Have been thinking about you and praying for you guys a lot lately! I would love to do "pre-school" time with you guys some time. Hudson is not in pre-school but we love meeting up with friends for field trips and such! You are such a great mom, I really need some pointers!

Sweet Pea said...

That is so cool that they have little shopping carts for the kids. They are re-doing our grocery store here in Fairview...maybe that will be one of the new things, a little shopping cart just for Hunter. :) I better not wish too much. Don't see that happening here in Fairview!!!
We're praying for you guys! Hope you're having a fun Valentines Day today!

Monica said...

Hey Nic,
I love the pics. Those two are so dang cute...along with the other two. You have adorable kiddos. I have been thinking about you all alot lately. I hope you are holding together well, or as well as can be expected. I think we all are going to start seeing budget cuts just from the you are not alone on that one! We are experiencing a little of that in Fairview already. We love you guys and pray for you all to know where God wants you right now...Hold on...He'll guide you there.

Becca said...

SOOO Fun! Miss you guys! (I think I say that every times I leave a comment).

Amy said...

I love that you had your camera with you to capture this fun! Sierra would love it.

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