Monday, September 5, 2011

Sort of a Big Day

Tomorrow is sort of a big day at our house.
The girl and I go to preschool for the first time.
She goes as a student.
I go as the teacher.
I took a part time job teaching preschool two days a week at a church in our community.
Tatum is in my morning class.
Tonight Jason asked me if I felt ready and I cried.
Not because I'm not prepared.
It's my girls first day of preschool.
She's my last.
My last first day of preschool kid.
I tucked her in tonight and told her tomorrow was a big day.
I told her I couldn't believe she was going to go to preschool.
And she said to me,  "It's ok you don't have to be sad because I'm going to go with you."
I chuckled.
Yep we're doing this thing together.
That could be very very good.
Let's be honest; it could be very very scary. ha.
Whatever it is we're doing it.
Me and my girl off to school tomorrow.


Kimberlee Jost said...

You are both going to do great.
I will be praying tomorrow!!!!

Lisa said...

Can't wait to hear about it! I'm sure she will love it and you will do great! Have fun!

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