Still need to figure out what everyone should wear?
My mind is thinking about it WAY to much.
I have one week to figure it out.
Look through closets . . . shop if need be . . . all that fun stuff.
Anyone have a fun color scheme?
Who do I start with?
The cute little miss and work around her?
Find what I want to wear and work around me?
Or figure out the three amigos and work around them?
I think regardless of what the rest of us wear my guy will be in grey or black . . . he just looks G O O D in those colors.
I'm trying to get over the fact that last year when we attempted to do this (and we had to cancel) I was 10x happier with my appearance.
I was rockin my best weight since bambino #4.
Thankfully the four kids usually steal the show in a picture.
Jas and I are merely accessories with these four.
Give me your color ideas?
Seen any cool color combos?
Meg we are super excited - see ya next week.
On another totally random note . . . yesterday I finally got LEGAL to drive in this state I've been living in for 2 years.
Crazy but I thought I could wait till my license expired . . . um no, you have 30 days.
I dreaded doing it and it ended up being a 10 minute deal.
I've never gone to a licensing place without waiting an hour.
They asked me difficult questions though like . . . hair color? Hmmm. weight? Hmmm.
I did my best to answer and then erased it from my head.
The efficient mr. who took me through the process didn't seem to think his questions were difficult.
One more random note . . . can't have a random post without a random picture.
I found this on my kitchen counter one day.
Barbies in "sleeping bags" with rocks as pillows.
Sort of cute - sort of creepy looking.
Have a happy weekend.
it's going to be awesome.
anything you pick will be great!
I say the boys go off their guns! and put Tots in the middle in a cute, girly dress:) IDK for fam're on your own on that one. I couldn't decide either.
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